
From Emails:

Hi Andreas,
I am very excited about the Yogaswing set and its possibilities. Once a week I go to Aerial yoga to a fitness studio. This has been a total of 15 weeks.
At the beginning I had severe problems to keep the balance on a shaky ground and join in the exercises (because of my former illness). Today I noticed a clear improvement of my mobility and my ability to balance.
After the tenth class I was able to roll back out of the cloth for the first time. This also encouraged me to try rolling back in the contact-dance, and it works!
I was overjoyed, especially as I was already in a situation where I could hardly move and I have been confined to a wheelchair.
My favorite exercises are the inversions. I notice clearly the relief in the spine and I feel very good. I have developed almost a heart relationship with the Yogaswing. It feels like partner exercises.
The cloth cradles me and gives me security, and at the same time it invites me to play around and to experiment. There is always something new to discover.
That's why I also decided to buy a Mandaran set now at the beginning of the outdoor season.
I'm really looking forward to my Yogaswing set and you will often find me on playgrounds.
Sincerely M.